Senior Year

Senior year of college is supposed to be the best year of your life right? Wrong. 2016 was the worst year ever. Not only was I/still am freaking out about finding a job, but I was freaking out about school and work. Most students have jobs yes, but I had a full time job. Which meant I was working up to 40 hours a week. Then add a 15 credit hour schedule on top of that...I was going insane. Tests, quizzes, assignments, and projects were pilling up on top of each other and I had no idea how to handle everything.
When first taking this job I thought I could handle it no problem. I would just have to become more organized and might have to stay up later than usual. Then, when everything started, I realized I was working 9 hour shifts and when coming home from work I had no motivation at all to study or do homework. Which would leave me to doing everything to the last minute...which would cause major stress when major assignments and tests came along. I wasn't doing terrible in school but I knew I could do better, which eventually lead me to stay up later doing homework and studying; then leaving me with no sleep for work. It was a continuous cycle and eventually I broke.
As the semester went on and things got more and more cluttered together is when I really felt my life tearing apart. I felt like I was alone. I felt like no one understood anything I was going through. I tried talking to my mom about it but she just told me her lame excuse of how she did it in college too. I just felt like no matter who I explained my problems to no one could relate exactly to me. I was working full time, going to school full time. I basically had no life outside of work and school as the semester reached late October. I only went to three football games...I usually attend all. My parents were in a different state and I hadn't seen them since March since I stayed here for summer because of work and school...shocker. I literally had no one...which made me begin to break even more.