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5 stages every makeup-lover goes through

Like most girls around my age, I have had my fair share of makeup milestones. From buying my first three dollar eyeshadow quad at a drug store to splurging on Tarte palettes and concealer at Sephora. I didn't start wearing makeup on a daily basis until I hit high school, but my curiosity of it began at a young age, while playing with my mom's makeup...she was not a fan. Anyways, it became clear that I have been in the game for awhile now, fondly looking at the days of uneven eyeliner and blue eyeshadow. If you're anything like me, you'll probably recognize these five stages that every makeup lover goes through, and if you're lucky, will bring back good old memories.

The Newbie

You were probably a young pre-teen, going through either your mother's or older sister's makeup collection. In my case, my mother's, since I don't have sisters. Maybe you were even stealing a couple of lipsticks hoping to skate by without being noticed. Either way, you were curious and wanted to discover what it was like wearing makeup. The feeling of acting like "an adult" finally, and only wore makeup for special occasions. The simple swipe of mascara and a dab of glittery lip gloss did the trick.

The Experimenter

After enough convincing, your parents finally let you wear makeup to school. You finally had your own five-dollar eyeshadow quads, lip glosses, and drug store mascara. You weren't quite sure how to apply makeup, or better yet, how to properly blend your eyeshadow. Your completed look was a shimmery silver shadow with a (semi-completed) cat eye and a bright pink lipstick, topped with a sheer coat of lipgloss. Your friends thought you were cool, and you thought you looked bomb doing your own makeup for school. Looking back, you don't know why your parents allowed you to wear that much makeup as a pre-teen.

The Makeup Guru

Soon, after months of having your basic look down, you begin to explore the wonders of YouTube makeup tutorials and practicing your craft. You have improved from your days of middle school makeup. You could do a cat eye in your sleep and have already mastered the smokey eye. If you are artsy enough, you probably considered pursuing a career in makeup artistry as well.

The Hoarder

Sephora or Ulta is practically your second home. You achieved the highest ranking of either store's rewards program in less than two months, and you probably cannot count how many eyeshadow palettes you own. You have your favorite brand, but still buy other big name brands to try them out, because it's a must have beauty buy. You swear by any high-end beauty brand and don't remember the last time you stepped foot in the drug store. Your wallet is begging you to stop.

The Occasional Makeup Lover

Where and how did you manage to buy three dark lipstick shades that look exactly the same? You're finally coming to your senses, and begin to clear your makeup drawer after years of hoarding. Sure, it's still fun to play around and indulge a bit, but you know that you don't need makeup to be happy or to look good. You are fine with your staple eyeshadow palette and mascara, maybe even adding eyeliner once in awhile.



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