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You are not alone

Gratitude.."Everything comes to you in the right moment. Be patient. Be grateful."

To the girl in an emotionally abusive relationship, you are not alone. I was you. I know what you’re going through. You feel trapped with a toxic person. Every day feels like you’re suffocating.

He controls how you look and the way you act. You don’t wear makeup or do your hair anymore. You’re forced to become someone you’re not. He’s so good at controlling you because you aren’t the first girl he’s done this to. Because he loves you, you should do what he says.

He lies about what he’s doing and whom he’s with. But you’re the one accused of lying if you don’t send him your location and a picture of who you’re with. You don’t leave your room, shower, or sleep without being on the phone with him. Because he loves you, he constantly requires knowing what you’re doing.

He becomes angry with you when you don’t give him your full attention. You aren’t able to study or go to class because the second you stop answering him, he starts an argument. Because he loves you, he should be your only focus.

He isolates you from the rest of the world. He says every friend you have is a bad influence and forces you to delete your social media. You stop talking to everyone in fear he’ll find out. If someone sits next to you in class, you move seats. He turns you against your family. Because he loves you, you don’t need to talk to anyone else.

He manipulates you into thinking everything is your fault. Every mean thing he says is engraved into your mind and makes you feel worthless. You live every day in fear that his words will eventually turn into punches. You’re always apologizing. All of the life is being sucked out of you until you have no energy to fight anymore. Because he loves you, you think he only cares about you.

He forces you to depend on him. You can’t leave him because he’s all that you have. You’re scared to leave him because he says that without you, he’ll die. You’ve hit rock bottom. The longer you stay with him the less you love yourself. Because he loves you, you need him.

He treats you in ways that no one else knows about. They don’t know what he puts you through because his narcissistic behavior happens behind closed doors. Because he loves you, they don’t believe that he could ever treat you this way.

I went through all of this. It wasn’t until I was free from him that I realized the way he was treating me was wrong. It took everything in me to pull myself out of the relationship and when I did, I finally felt relief. I’m lucky I was able to leave, but I wish I ‘d done it sooner. Looking back, I’m a stronger person because of this.

Getting help will be less painful than the situation you are in now. It won’t be easy to leave, but it will be worth it. So to the girl in an emotionally abusive relationship, he doesn’t love you.

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