I'm Back.

If you have read these in the past then you know I created this a long time ago but stopped. Why did I stop posting you ask? I guess you could say I was annoyed with everyone saying I was just doing this for attention. If anyone knows me at all they know I hate when the spotlight shines on me. I started this blog because writing my feelings out have helped me grown as an individual...so instead of writing how I felt on this website I switched to writing in a journal which is also helping tremendously. Anyone who is dealing with stress in any type of way and enjoys writing I encourage you to start journaling. You have no idea how much it helps to write things out...and honestly when you write something out on paper you sometimes realize how stupid it sounded so you backtrack but hey, it's ok! You've learned from your mistake and now you are gonna fix it the right way!
Anyways, the main reason I have started this blog back up is because of situations going on in the world and how I relate to it. People are just so clueless on the real picture out there and it is so sickening to see. I guess it is mainly because of the whole Demi Lovato situation, mainly because yes, I do look up to her. Why do I look up to her? Well, she has taught me so many things in life honestly. The main one is self love and the other one is that I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to and that obstacles in life are hard as fuck but as long as you have a loving support system who have your back anything is possible. And yes, I did have a drug addiction as well so you can see why I take this so seriously, but that's another story for a different day, anyways back to my main point...So many people are so quick to judge her and lash out on her but don't even know the story in its entirety. Shit, I don't even know the whole story. Why? Because I don't personally know her. People are so quick to make Facebook and Instagram posts about people they don't follow and say horrible things about them but don't even know their situation. This goes for more people than just Demi as well. Anybody will do anything these days to get a like on social media...even if that means tearing someone else down..it's sick and it needs to stop honestly. I know it won't but I can try right? haha we shall see. Hopefully I can make at least the few of you who do read this blog look at the world in a different perspective though and try to see all aspects of each situation that occurs. More importantly...get your facts straight before you go and make a post to get attention honestly is all I ask...and if you aren't doing it for attention then just sit and think about it before you post it please.