Why it's ok to do Nothing All Day...While Healing.

Anxiety, depression, and stress can leave you feeling like the day is over before it has even begun. You can feel like there is a million and one things that need to get done, but you simply have no energy to complete them. And you know what? That is okay.
Feeling unproductive, exhausted, and unmotivated is perfectly fine. There is nothing to be ashamed about there. Those feelings can lead to binge-watching, binge-sleeping, or even binge-sleeping, which are all perfectly fine as well. If you're dealing with lack of self-worth or self-confidence, you are owed days like these.
Having times like this can make you feel like you are never going to make it in a professional stance or even get through the upcoming week. Just try to remember that small tasks count too. Even if all you do today is get outta bed and drink a cup of tea, it does not matter. You probably haven't been giving yourself enough credit for accomplishing the small things, because believe it or not, those are victories too. Whether you sent your mom an update text about your life, or you finally went through and organized your mail. Both of those things are important and count towards your future and your healing.
If you think about it, big things tend to be accomplished in small steps. Creating something amazing, whether it's a drawing, or the first few novels of an epic novel, usually don't happen overnight or even in a day. Things take time, just like humans. We need time to grow, mature, and heal.
The world gives off this impression that if you don't accomplish your task today, then you'll never get to it. In addition, people think that we all must move at fast pace trying to chase our dreams, or money, or both ideally, before it's too late. But when exactly is too late? Who says that there is a time limit on executing amazing things? Time does not stop until we say so, so why not take our time to figure out what really want out of life first?
Just because you are not attaining your dreams today, doesn't mean that they will never happen. They will happen when you are better mentally. While in the healing process, you can start to get things in motion of achieving what you wish to achieve at any time.
Depression, anxiety, and stress can literally suck the life out of you. Your motivation, energy, and generally, lust for life begins to diminish. So, never punish yourself for not getting back on your feet in an instant...it will take time. Time heals all wounds.
Life is not a race, and everybody gets better in their own time. Trust me when I say that the more small steps you take, the better you will feel about yourself. Which will only lead to even more small steps being made. And what do multiple small steps make? A really nice path to wherever you choose to go in life. So, let's all take small steps together to something wonderful.