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Reasons I'm Starting Over....and Hitting That Refresh Button

There's no set time when you choose to restart your life. It's a decision you, and only you, get to make.


Three...Two...One...Happy New Year! This means, New Year, new me. Right? Ha. Wrong.

There's no set time when you choose to restart your life. It's a decision you, and only you, get to make. It could happen once you wake up in the morning. You know, getting that fresh start in the morning, so why not in life too? It could even happen when your walking your dog, the possibilities are endless. 

All you have to remember when getting a fresh new start is that nobody, but you, controls your life. The choices you make are yours. 

Recently, I have felt emotionally numb. I feel nothing towards anyone, at least not in a "crush" type of way. At first, I thought this was a bad thing, however, I came to realize that it is the complete opposite. This feeling has been able to give me the chance to start over. A clean slate.

After being torn between emotions for years, I came to this conclusion: I didn't lose these boys. They lost me.

It may have been a cloudy day when it happened, but on this day, I was able to see everything from a brand new perspective. I figured out the mistakes I made from my past relationships that broke me. In the past, I let them control me, how I felt, what I did, everything. I couldn't allow this anymore. Especially, if it messed with me mentally.

So, it was decided, from this day forward, I will never allow someone to put this huge weight on my chest and make me feel like I am not worthy of their love. 

There will be no more granting them power over my own happiness. From now on, I get to choose what makes me happy.

After the struggles I have faced with men, I honestly thought this day would never come for me. I'd secretly been waiting a long time for it, and am so grateful it finally arrived. I am not quite sure how long it will take for me to gain a new "crush" on someone again, but I'm not gonna sit around and wait for it to happen, or even force it to happen. 

Instead, I am going to do what is best for myself mentally. I am going to do the things that I enjoy in life. Things that I love doing and makes me happy. So, whenever that day arrives where my "crush" walks into my life, I will be grateful, but for now, I'll stick to myself.

Don't ever let someone else control you, like you're the puppet and they're the string. 

I have never heard of anyone getting hurt from having a fresh start. 

So, if you've been feeling like I have for sometime now...hit that restart button. Start over. 


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